Friday 9 May 2014

Trailer - The First 20 Seconds

After watching several trailers most started with either a Pegi rating or a certificate warning, to make my trailer look authentic I wanted to include a rating. As I was using Skyrim for my filming, it seemed fitting to use the Pegi rating used at the start of their trailer. To do this I used to download the video and the razor tool to cut the section I needed. Using the pen tool, I then placed an anchor point towards the end of the clip and at the end of the clip, lowering the latter point made the clip gradually fade out. (This can be seen at 00:01:08.).

The clip following the rating (00:02:00) of the skeleton on the burial plinth was originally central but after I experimented with transitions, I moved it to the left a large amount so the purple book was central. Because of this, the non-additive dissolve transition (00:05:10) works to great effect, giving the impression that the ghost in the next clip is coming out of the book. I wanted this effect to give the impression that the ghost was being summoned from the book. To achieve this, I had to delay the transition considerably, so much so that the transition isn't between the two clips but at the start of the ghost clip. Towards the end of this clip I used the dip to black transition (00:06:19) and positioned it so as the ghost walked towards the screen, the screen started to darken and went black as the ghost's head was at the camera. The skeleton speed was set to 304.7% due to the 1 minute time restriction. This speed was set by right clicking the clip, selecting speed/duration and changing the duration to the amount needed to fit in between the pegi and ghost clips. The ghost clip was set to 150% also due to the time restriction.

The black lifts into my war trail clip, (00:07:15) I originally wanted this to be a clip following my character in a battle scene but due to technical limitation this wasn't possible. I had the scrolling clip on video track 1, I then placed 3 clips of battle on video track 2 (at 00:08:06, 00:11:18, and 00:13:20). The reason for the odd gap placement is intentional, I wanted to the side scrolling environment to be taken in before a scene of violence. I found putting the clips closer was overwhelming as the changes in scenery were too quick, any further apart and I was running out of space before the next clip. Towards the end of side scrolling clip, I used time remapping to slow the clip down by 50% (of the original 300%), this then slowed down further so that attention could be paid to the blood splattered sword before going into the darkness. I went for this style as I wanted it to look very cinematic and an inventive way of showing a battle scene, with the audience being presented with the aftermath and slowly getting information as to what happened and who was responsible.

The following transition (00:16:13) takes place as the camera moves towards a shadow. I wanted this clip to merge with the following clip of the skeleton in shackles in a way that made it seem the camera was moving through the shadow and revealing what was within. The slide and push transitions moved the clip of screen to the right and looked very unprofessional. I created a new colour matte and placed it between the 2 clips, increasing the border width to 60 so that it merged fully with the shadow. By using the slide transition between the war trail and the black colour matte, it looks as if the camera is scrolling left into the shadow and then (due to putting a slide between the black matte and the skeleton clip) emerging next to skeleton. The overall affect I wanted to convey here was that the mystery killer was going into the shadow, and the viewers got an idea what was within.

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