Wednesday 26 February 2014

Elements of the Front Cover - Ripped Corner + Claw Marks Update

         One of the main elements I wanted to add to my cover was a burnt/ripped corner revealing the charred page I made before as this would be something that generates interest. I used the eraser tool to chip away at the layer mask to try and create a torn edge but this looked too obvious and therefore didn't look authentic. I downloaded a wrinkled page texture, and used the quick selection brush to outline a corner, this created a natural uneven tear selection. I rubbed out the selection area revealing the charred page that I created before however I felt this also looked too obvious and didn't create the convincing tear I wanted. I found 2 burnt pages on google, cut the edges and placed them above the charred page but below the leather this made it look a lot more realistic, apart from an edge that was too bright so I erased it.

Left - White edge - Right - After erasing

          Having looked at burnt books, my attempt looked too vibrant and didn't have the charred effect I wanted to achieve. I used the smudge tool to tweak parts of the leather cover into places whilst giving it a slight melted look and allowing me to tweak edges into place. To finish, I used the burn tool to darken the edges and the charred page underneath giving the impression that smoke was brushing against it.

         I was unhappy with my scratch marks but after applying a soft light blend mode, it improved drastically. This mode gave the underside of the leather the lighter effect it needed matching the lighting I had intended. This teamed with the drop shadow I applied resulted in a realistic finish. 


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